Earlier Fever Detection
Early detection of fever and prompt use of broad-spectrum
antibiotics is crucial in neutropenic patients:
- 78% of patients who received an allogeneic HSCT had
bacteraemia during the first episode of fever.1 - An hour delay in antibiotic administration resulted in an
approximately eight hour increase in length of hospital stay
among patients with febrile neutropenia.2
Remote Patient Monitoring
Hospitals seeking to improve patient care, reduce readmissions, optimize reimbursements and gain competitive advantage, are rapidly embracing new technologies that enable remote patient monitoring.
TempTraq provides a proven, reliable system to remotely
monitor patients for fever spikes, a key symptom of infection.
It also allows for self-monitoring through a smartphone app.
Infection Control
Septicemia is the costliest condition treated by U.S. hospitals,
accounting for $20.3 billion, or 5.2%, of all hospital costs.3
Severe sepsis accounts for an estimated 40% of all ICU
expenditures.4 In addition, sepsis cases present:
- Average length of stay of 19.6 days5
- Average cost per case of $22,1005
- Overall hospital mortality rate of 28%5
- ICU treatment cost of 6X more than non-sepsis patients6